24 Spaces

Malmö Konsthal
May 4 – August 18,2013

Honza Hoeck, Uffe Isolotto, Jacob Jessen, Sandra Vaka Olsen, Rasmus Høj Mygind, Christian Jeppsson, Hannah Heilmann, Simon Damkjær, John Holten


During a two month period the members of TOVES engaged in a workshop, designed to generate the works on show at the exhibition 24 Spaces – A Cacophony, at Malmö Konsthall. TOVES Workshop functioned as a method of sharing ideas and decisions involved in making artworks and curating a show as a collective process. A process that would encourage new perspectives for the individual participant, as the works and the exhibition gradually emerged out of the process of the workshop.

A simultaineously artistic and curatorial production, the workshop aimed at opening up the participating practices for mutual reflection, and thus focused on methods of production as an area of interest in its own right. Ultimately though, the workshop was just a way of creating good work, in an interesting way…